See the Reel results of BARE’s Services.

Before and After


Number of sessions: 6 (combined with weight management program)


Number of sessions: 5


Number of sessions: 5

*Response to treatment will vary from person to person and sometimes even from treatment to treatment. We strive to achieve the best result for you.

CO2 Laser

Before and After

Rejuvenation with CO2 LasersRejuvenation with CO2 Lasers
Rejuvenation with CO2 LasersRejuvenation with CO2 Lasers
Rejuvenation with CO2 LasersRejuvenation with CO2 Lasers

*Response to treatment will vary from person to person and sometimes even from treatment to treatment. We strive to achieve the best result for you.

Before and After

Rejuvenation with CoolPeel CO2 LaserRejuvenation with CoolPeel CO2 Laser

Number of sessions: 3 Treatments

Rejuvenation with CoolPeel CO2 LaserRejuvenation with CoolPeel CO2 Laser

Number of sessions: 1 CoolPeel Treatment (3.5 Watts)

Rejuvenation with CoolPeel CO2 LaserRejuvenation with CoolPeel CO2 Laser

Number of sessions: 2 Treatments
Time elapsed: 6 Months

*Response to treatment will vary from person to person and sometimes even from treatment to treatment. We strive to achieve the best result for you.

Before and After

BARE Skin and Laser Skin PenAfter

*Response to treatment will vary from person to person and sometimes even from treatment to treatment. We strive to achieve the best result for you.

Microneedling Before and After

Rejuvenation RF MicroneedlingRejuvenation RF Microneedling

Number of sessions: 3 Treatments
Time elapsed: 3 Months

Rejuvenation RF MicroneedlingRejuvenation RF Microneedling

Number of sessions: 1 ExactRF Treatment
Time elapsed: 6 Months

Rejuvenation RF MicroneedlingRejuvenation RF Microneedling

Number of sessions: 4 Ultimate Duo Treatments
Time elapsed: 3 Months

*Response to treatment will vary from person to person and sometimes even from treatment to treatment. We strive to achieve the best result for you.

Before and After

Before and After

*Response to treatment will vary from person to person and sometimes even from treatment to treatment. We strive to achieve the best result for you.

Experience the BARE difference.

Dare to experience the BARE skin difference,

Schedule your consultation.